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Quiet Hour - Day 94

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - April 4

All the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever. —Genesis 13:15

God’s promises are ever on the ascending scale. One leads up to another, fuller and more blessed than itself. In Mesopotamia God said, “I will show thee the land.” At Bethel, “This is the land.” Here, “I will give thee all the land, and children innumerable as the grains of sand.” And we shall find even these eclipsed.

It is thus that God allures us to saintliness. Not giving anything till we have dared to act—that He may test us. Not giving everything at first—that He may not overwhelm us. And always keeping in hand an infinite reserve of blessing. Oh, the unexplored remainders of God! Whoever saw His last star? —F. B. Meyer

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