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Bible Reading Plans

The solution to spiritual dryness may not be as complicated as we think. Let the coming year be one in which we learn to delight in the whole Word of God!

Most believers agree that regular time in the Word is vital to their spiritual health. However, in practice, many of us have discovered the time commitment does not present itself without effort. Rather, even before January is over, we find our daily tasks have absorbed all our thoughts and time, and we are fortunate if we even notice the effect on our spiritual life.

Contrast this rhythm with what Jesus models for us. His days on earth were characterized by intentional solitude before God. He earnestly loved the Scriptures and set His purpose to do the revealed will of His Father. In the new life Jesus invites us to, we needn’t be driven by guilt to read the Word of God; rather we can follow His call to delight in His words of life.
To this end, we have found the following Bible reading guides to be helpful in developing a faithful discipline of daily time in the Word. We believe you will find that your ability to be faithful in your reading is enhanced if you have a guide, a chart, to keep track of what you’ve read and where you are in your journey through the Bible.

Below we have several options: For instance, you can read through the Bible in one or three years. Or, you can focus your reading this year on the New Testament. Or, you can read one chapter each day—365 key chapters to provide a clear overview of the storyline of Scripture. Whichever you choose, be faithful in follow-through. If you miss a day, continue with your reading as assigned and revisit what you missed at a later time. If you find it difficult to develop this discipline on your own, invite a friend to go through a plan with you. Expect to be changed by the faithful and systematic reading of God’s Word!

Mc’Cheyne’s Calendar for Daily Bible Readings. Over the course of a year, this six-page plan will take you through the New Testament and Psalms twice, and through the rest of the Bible once.

The New Testament In A Year. Using this four-page booklet, you’ll read a chapter from the New Testament five days each week, finishing the New Testament in 52 weeks.

3-Year Bible Reading Plan from The Moody Church. This eight-page booklet alternates between Old and New Testament books, with a reading scheduled for each day for three years.

Changed By The Word 40-Day Bible Reading Challenge. Read or listen to the Word for 28 minutes per day with this four-page booklet. By doing so, you can get through the whole New Testament in 40 days.

Changed By the Word 36-Day Old Testament Challenge. This one-sheet plan takes you through a chronological reading of the key OT stories over 36 days.

Changed By The Word 25-Day New Testament Challenge. A follow-up to the OT Journey, this one-sheet plan is a 25-day chronological reading of the key NT chapters.

365 Key Biblical Chapters in a Year. This four-page booklet takes you through a chapter each day for one year. Read, listen to, and share this plan when you download our app on Apple or Android.


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