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Day 18 – An Anguished Father

Today’s Reading: Mark 15:33-34
Today’s Reference: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”


“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

If Mary’s heart was wrung at the foot of the cross, how much more anguish was in the heart of the Father! This was the Son in whom He was “well pleased,” the Son with whom He had communed from before the beginning of time. Now the Father had to watch that Son die in agony.
But that was His choice. God chose to suffer. He chose to redeem humanity through the suffering of His Son. Because He loves us.

God didn’t suddenly start loving us after the crucifixion. He didn’t suddenly go from being a wrathful Old Testament God to a merciful New Testament God. Jesus didn’t think up the plan of salvation and “go it alone.” Salvation came because our Father is a redeeming God who loves us. The Father and Son took the initiative of redemption together from all eternity. What wondrous love!


Father, I admit sometimes I think of You as only a Judge, waiting to punish me for my sins. Help me to remember that You gave Your Son willingly out of love for me so that I could truly call You “Father.”

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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