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Question 88

Q: I listen to your program and I agree with you 98% of the time. Are you familiar with the story of Our Lady of Guadeloupe where Juan Diego received several visitations by the Blessed Virgin Mary?

On one of those occasions he was told to place flowers up against his cloak. When he opened it in front of the Bishop the roses fell to the ground and a ‘mysterious’ image appeared. Are these symbols just mere coincidences or are they in fact ‘supernatural?’

Asked by: Robert , New Jersey

A: Well Robert, thank you so much for your question. I do believe that they could be supernatural.

There are such things as miracles that take place today. The question is their source, and I might have some disagreement with you over that part.

You know, many years ago I visited the shrine there, and I discovered women on their knees with babies in their arms, going inch by inch on concrete toward the shrine begging a blessing from Mary, confessing their sins, and hoping that they’d be forgiven. And when they got to the end of their pilgrimage, as they got up off of their knees and entered the shrine, I could see the sense of unbelief and despair that was in their faces.

This is a long story Robert, but I will simply say this: based on the theology that is taught at Guadalupe, and based on the superstitions that surround that particular shrine, and others like it, I would say that though it’s possible that these miracles happen, and though they may be supernatural, I would very much doubt that they come from God.

Remember that there is more than one “miracle” worker in the universe, and we need to be very careful at this point. So, may God give us discernment as we think through these issues, and thanks again for your question.


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