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Question 5

Q: There are some passages in the Bible that seem to teach that we can be physically healed through faith, yet we see very few genuine healings today.

How do you account for this?

Asked by: Ted , North Carolina

A: Ted, that’s a question many people ask. And the quick answer is this: there is no promise in the Bible that says we can be physically healed whenever we want.

It’s true that when Jesus died on the cross, that death included all of us: body, soul, and spirit. But we won’t have the pleasure of fully entering into our inheritance until the day of resurrection.

Think of this: Jesus died to abolish death, and yet we still die. Even faith healers die. We need to understand that sometimes those promises about healing are often misapplied and misunderstood. Complete redemption and healing is a future event.

So why we don’t find a whole lot of healings today? It’s true that in certain periods of biblical history, God did many miracles, but there were other times when miracles were scarce. Here at The Moody Church we do anoint the sick with oil if they so request, but we explain that even if they don’t receive the miracle they seek, that they can glorify God with the peace that God gives them.

What is important is whether or not we can go on trusting God even if He doesn’t heal us. Remember what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego said? “Our Lord is able to deliver us from the furnace, but if He doesn’t, we will continue to trust Him.”

Before Dr. James Montgomery Boice died, he gave a marvelous speech to his church. He said, “If the Lord wants to heal me, He could heal me. Sure, go ahead and pray for my healing. But, I have not seen a lot of healings in my life.” Then he says, “I am dying trusting God and trusting His providence.” That kind of faith honors the Lord our God.


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