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Question 36

Q: I’ve heard you say that you’re convinced that a teenager was demon possessed because he played some video games.

I don’t think believers can be demon possessed, but it’s still frightening. What video games are bad? If I watch a kung-fu movie or play a karate game, am I sinning because karate has origins with Buddhist monks? 

Asked by: Luke , Pennsylvania

A: Luke, you’ve asked a very important question. First of all, I didn’t say that all video games lead to demon possession.

But in the case of the teenager that I was speaking about, he got into those kinds of video games where you have occult religions and violence, and there was absolutely no doubt that he was dabbling in the devil’s playground.

The New Testament speaks about those who are “demonized” that is under the control of the wicked one. In fact, in the New Testament there are accounts of children who were under the direct influence of a demon. This teenager was unable to even sit down to rest or have a rational discussion, but could only pace back and forth. He was not the teenager that his parents once knew. What was it that caused strange fears and this strange obsession with this particular game on the internet? There’s no doubt in my mind that there was demonic activity, and we need to warn our teenagers and others about this.

Let’s keep in mind that the devil can do mighty things in the lives of sinning people, particularly as they are involved in such things as occultism, illegal drugs, or actually any unrestrained sin. And, we might also be surprised as to what Satan can do to sinning saints. 

Regarding specific movies or specific games, I can’t answer all of those questions, because there are so many out there. All I know is that the kinds of games that have their roots and origins in the occult, those that are pornographic and violent are dangerous. I also know that those who lead you into the darkness of false religion are demonic. Of course there are some wholesome websites on your computer—wholesome games, wholesome and informative places, and of course news etc. In fact, we now wonder how we could do without the internet. It is a force for good but also a force for incredible bondage and evil.

Let me close with this wonderful prayer Paul prayed, and you will see its relevance to your question, “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11).


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