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Question 22

Q: According to the Scripture is it okay for a divorced person to remarry when there’s been no adultery?

Am I living in sin because I remarried after my first wife and I divorced, although there was no adultery?

Asked by: Ken , Wisconsin

A: Well Ken, you know that the issue of divorce is very controversial and I certainly don’t think that I have the last word on the subject.

But I believe that when you married your current wife, you did commit adultery because your divorce was not for a Scriptural reason. Now that you’re married to her, you can’t take a scrambled egg and unscramble it.

I believe God now accepts the new union, and you also need to be able to accept it and move on from there. I encourage you to talk to your pastor about this, to get some counsel and wisdom regarding your whole situation. But at the end of the day, you need to be able to give yourself to God to receive His forgiveness and His pardon. Regardless of the past, you are now married to your second wife; both you and she can rejoice in your union, regardless of how and when it came about. 

Of course, I’m also concerned about your relationship with your ex-wife and your children (if you have children). You must seek their forgiveness for what you have done. You can’t act as though your divorce was just a minor bump in the road.

Where sin has been committed it must be confessed to God, but also to those we have wronged.

Yes, I believe God now accepts you as married to your new wife, but even so, we must trust God not just to forgive the past, but help us in restoring those past relationships. I pray that you will be blessed in your marriage and move beyond the past and help your family through your humility and willingness to serve them.


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