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Question 199

Q: I'm considering leaving my body to science. I figure if it can be of use to anybody, then that would be good since I won't need it anymore. Or will I?

Asked by: Zena

A: Zena, thank you for your question. First of all, if you want to leave your body to science, I think that that is commendable.

You’re absolutely right, they need bodies to work on and to teach doctors and coroners and all of the things that we need in this fallen world. Will you need your body again? Yes. Will God resurrect it? Yes. Will leaving it to science cause a problem for God? No, because our bodies generally disintegrate anyway.

But let me say on the other side of the equation, I personally want to be buried somewhere. And the reason is I would like to think that my children and relatives can actually go to a grave and hopefully on the gravestone there will be something that will encourage them. I think that it is good for families to have traditions and to have a history that they can talk about. So even though I wouldn’t make the decision that you’re making, I think that it’s a personal decision and if you wish to will your body to science, I would commend you for doing that.


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