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Question 191

Q: I have a brother who just became a Christian. He's a professional gambler, and makes his living by betting on sports. He has a wife and two kids. He doesn't have any other training, and just started tithing his earnings. Is my brother living a life of sin by being a professional gambler?

Asked by: Mike

A: Well Mike, I think the answer is yes, because I don’t think betting on professional sports is legal, and even if it was, I still think it’s wrong.

You know there are many things that are legal, but are still not right. At the same time, I have to smile because it’s clear that your brother seems to have received the Lord, since he’s now tithing on his earnings and that is a very, very good sign.

I think you need to give him some advice, but also give him some time, because he is a new Christian. Give him some time to process what happened. I believe that the Lord is going to show him that to be totally dedicated to the Lord, he needs to find a different vocation. I hope that he does, and I hope that you are there with him.

I know that you say that he doesn’t have any other training, but never underestimate God’s ability to help those who want to do the right thing. Pray for him, help him, and I’m optimistic that he’s going to make some good and wise decisions on his journey all the way home.


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