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Question 190

Q: We’re facing serious financial problems and our house may be foreclosed on.

We may be able to stop it by filing bankruptcy. I’m not trying to ditch my responsibilities, but I’m the only one earning income and just don’t make enough to cover the bills and the mortgage, too. I’m trying everything to make money from home. What do you think about a Christian filing bankruptcy? I’m afraid if I don’t, and we lose the house, I’ll never be able to rent an apartment with my credit rating. 

Asked by: Lisa , New Hampshire

A: Lisa, you are in a very difficult spot. A bit of advice, go to a good financial counselor who might be able weigh the options. You may have some options you haven’t thought of.

You know there are people who are discovering that if they go to their bank, many are willing to help them. Also, there are certain agencies that are willing to help so that you might be able to avoid bankruptcy. I hope that you can.

If you need to file for bankruptcy, I understand that, it’s a provision that is made in our laws for those who have no other option, but make sure that that is your last option. You may even be able to get some wisdom from friends and others around you, maybe your church, so that you know you are making a very wise decision.

Meanwhile, I’m praying that God may help you find a way out, because bankruptcy is difficult, and has huge implications. You should not take that step lightly, and I know you aren’t. But even as I pray for you, so I pray for people in our congregation here at The Moody Church who are facing similar circumstances. I pray that God may prove Himself faithful through these very, very rough patches in our lives.


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