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Question 15

Q: In a recent sermon you stated that the children of Job didn’t sin, yet God allowed them to die because He wanted to test Job.

Then why did Job feel the need to offer sacrifices for them?

Asked by: Alex , Connecticut

A: Well, Alex, I want to assure you that I did not say that the children of Job were not sinners.

Obviously they were, and Job offered sacrifices for them because he certainly believed that they were sinners.

My point was really something else. I was trying to say that there wasn’t a direct connection between their sin and their death, or that their sin brought about the severe trials that Job had to face.

You see, in the Old Testament many believed that there was a direct connection between sin and calamity. Job’s friends thought that’s why he struggled so much. They reasoned that Job thought that he was righteous, but he couldn’t be, otherwise he wouldn’t have been so severely tested and disciplined by God.

The bottom line is this: there are many people who were a lot worse than Job’s children who didn’t die, or whose father was not put through the same tests as Job himself. So, my point was simply that God wanted to get through to Job, and in order to do that, He touched the most tender part of any man’s heart—his family.

Fortunately, at the end of the book we discover that Job passed the test and God blessed him abundantly.  


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