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Question 14

Q: Is “the prince of the power of the air” television?

Asked by: Bruce , Michigan

A: Sometimes it appears that way, doesn’t it? But in the Bible the “prince of the power of the air” is a reference to Satan.

So when radio was invented, there were some Christians who thought, “well, that’s exactly proof that radio is of the devil, because he is ‘the prince of the power of the air.’” That’s not true of course. There are people who actually know how to explain radio waves and how they work—the science behind it. The waves are not demonic.

But having said all that, it’s important for us to realize that when it comes to television, it can be the means by which the prince of the power of the air enters our homes. All of those programs that we watch—the impurity, the violence, the occultism—that’s the way in which Satan gains an entry into our homes. He’s the prince of the power of the air. He doesn’t come through radio or television waves, or whatever means of communication there is in the atmosphere, but he does come to us through modern technology. That’s why we have to keep our hand on the mouse or our hand on that remote—be ready to switch channels or turn it off completely.

Thankfully, radio, television and the internet are being used in today’s world to spread the Gospel. Technology is neither good or bad, it’s how it’s used that matters.


Scripture references

  • Ephesians 2:2

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