One Minute After You Die
Someone you know is about to pass away. Will they enter delight? Or horror? Many people spend more time planning …
Buy this book >My question is: what happened to those people?
Asked by: Desmond
All that we can do is to assume that which is reasonable, namely, that they died again. And if you think that’s unusual, it is, but it also happened to Lazarus. He was resurrected by Christ and then, of course, I’m sure that he died later in life.
Now, if you ask the question, why these strange resurrections? We can’t answer that either. It’s something that God simply chose to do as further proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But in the end, they also had to die, and someday they will be permanently resurrected with their permanent bodies—which they don’t yet have—along with the rest of us to everlasting life.
Author: Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
Someone you know is about to pass away. Will they enter delight? Or horror? Many people spend more time planning …
Buy this book >Death no longer has dominion over the one who follows Christ. When the tomb was found empty, death lost its …
Buy this book >Many have tried, but you cannot keep God in the tomb.
Listen to this sermon >Jesus can do the impossible for us.
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