When You've Been Wronged
Conflict in relationships is inevitable, but healing and reconciliation often is not. Time and again after we've tried every option …
Buy this book >She wouldn’t consider reconciliation even though it’s what I desired. It pains me to think that I will not be free to remarry because of her sin. Is this what the Bible teaches?
Asked by: Patrick
I know you said that she committed adultery, but at the same time, I’d like to know whether you had children and so forth. But with the bare bones that you’ve given me, I’ll give you a short answer.
First of all, let me say that if your wife committed adultery, in the minds of many people, including myself, this doesn’t mean that you couldn’t marry again. Seems to me that the marriage bond has been broken, particularly if your wife were to marry the man that she was involved with. So I suggest that you go to your pastor and have him give you some direction and thought, so that you are under his authority, and you’re doing what your church, your denomination, and particularly, your pastor believes you should do.
But secondly, I want to stress that this isn’t the end of the world. There are many different people who’ve had to go through life single, some by choice, and some because they didn’t find anyone to marry. So bear in mind that there are others who have been where you are and they’ve been able to navigate everything in their lives successfully.
Here’s the bottom line: God gives us the resources that we need to glorify His name. And in your particular situation, whatever that circumstance is, grace is available for you to glorify God.
Author: Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
Conflict in relationships is inevitable, but healing and reconciliation often is not. Time and again after we've tried every option …
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Listen to this sermon >Once you’ve been involved in a sexual relationship outside the covenant of marriage, nothing will ever be quite the same …
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