How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God
"Be wrong about social security, be wrong about baseball, be wrong about your career choice, but don't be wrong about …
Buy this book >Asked by: Mike
Free grace emphasizes the fact that salvation is a completely free gift, and because it’s free we don’t have to make Christ the Lord of our lives, we simply come as beggars to receive a free gift. And then, having received it God begins to work in our life and begins to teach us what His lordship really means.
Lordship salvation means that you can’t be saved unless you come making Christ Lord of everything, asking Him to be sovereign over your whole life.
Well, Mike, this might not be very helpful to you, but I’m somewhere in the middle. I’ve always said that when you come to Jesus Christ to receive the free gift obviously you are turning away from your sin. In that sense, you are recognizing Christ as Lord, you are recognizing the fact that He is the Savior, you’re turning from yourself and from your sin to Christ.
But, having said that, I do believe that lordship is something that we learn the rest of our lives. We’re constantly discovering areas over which Jesus Christ might not be Lord, and even after we make Him Lord, then, of course, we still recognize that sometimes the territory is reconquered by ourselves or Satan. So, that’s a lifelong process.
If we emphasize lordship salvation too much, there are many people who are going to say, who then can be saved? This is demanding more than I can possibly give. And so what we need to do, the bottom line, is to stress salvation as a free gift—you come as you are—but, of course, you do come. And in the process, yes, you’re admitting your sinfulness, your helplessness, in order to receive the free gift.
Author: Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
"Be wrong about social security, be wrong about baseball, be wrong about your career choice, but don't be wrong about …
Buy this book >Grace is unaffected by the degree of our sin.
Listen to this sermon >Our salvation is a display of God’s undeserved grace.
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