Seven Snares Of The Enemy
Seven Snares of the Enemy takes an in-depth look at common sin traps both Christians and non-Christians fall prey to …
Buy this book >Asked by: Valerie
In the Bible you’ll find that they did drink. And we know, of course, in John 2, that very famous passage, where Jesus turned water into wine.
But the other question we should ask is: does that mean that it’s a good idea? It seems to me that in our culture there have to be many, many warnings that we have to sound because we live in a culture that is given to alcohol, and I know that many of the drinks today are much stronger than the wine they had way back in the New Testament times.
Alcoholism is a curse.
You ask, Valerie, regarding the limitations, well the Bible is very clear that drunkenness is a sin, and it is forbidden by God. And there is one surefire way that you can make sure that you’ll never fall into the sin of alcoholism, and that is to never drink alcohol. And I can assure you that if you never do, you can walk through all of the stores, with all of their many drinks and their advertisements, and there will be nothing within you that will tempt you.
I know that I am making some strong statements. But I know the curse of alcoholism, because I’ve had to deal with it as a pastor within some families in the church. So the question is this Valerie, can you control it? You say you can; I trust that you are able to. On the other hand, perhaps you’re not sure.
Well, that’s my answer today, and I hope that many people who are listening will be cautioned and warned regarding the effects of alcoholism.
Author: Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
Seven Snares of the Enemy takes an in-depth look at common sin traps both Christians and non-Christians fall prey to …
Buy this book >If you’re bound to sin, when it calls, you must answer.
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