One Minute After You Die
Someone you know is about to pass away. Will they enter delight? Or horror? Many people spend more time planning …
Buy this book >Am I right so far? Next, what are we doing while in this condition until we receive a resurrection body?
Asked by: Robert
Second Corinthians 5:10 says, “for we shall all appear before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account for the deeds done in the body whether good or bad.” There it is. I’m not sure, however, that it will take place immediately after death. There seems to be some evidence that maybe it will take place at the rapture.
Your second question is even more intriguing. What will we do until we receive our resurrection bodies?
This becomes very personal because when my father died at the age of 106, and I thought, “I wonder exactly how my father looks now in heaven.” The fact is, he doesn’t have his resurrection body, no one in heaven today does. I believe that in heaven the soul takes on the characteristics of the body. I believe that we’ll be able to recognize one another and talk to one another, but we’ll be incomplete. Paul talks about our desire to be clothed, and I think he’s speaking of the resurrection.
So, let’s remember that heaven today is an intermediate place. It’s a place of bliss, communication, recognition, and joy, yet the resurrection awaits. I think that’s the best I can do in the space allotted, Robert, and thank you so much for thinking about this. May God bless you all the way to eternity.
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