Mr. Philpott's Address At The Laying Of The Cornerstone
| 1925
Excerpts from Mr. Philpott’s address at the laying of the cornerstone. “Would rather see The Moody Church disorganized and go into oblivion than to have it continue on other than the Bible lines on which it was founded and continues until this day.”
I want to express my personal gratitude to God that we have come to this hour in our great undertaking. Every little advance made has encouraged our faith. Tonight we lay the cornerstone of the D.L. Moody Memorial Church building, and I am supremely happy.
Personally, I feel very unworthy to be the pastor of this great assembly. When I think of that dear man of God who founded it and the wonderful teachers and preachers that have preceded me. I find myself saying “What am I that Thou hast been so mindful of me?”
Found Secret Of Moody’s Power.
I never had the privilege of speaking personally to Mr. Moody, but in a very special way he touched my life. This was over thirty years ago. He was then conducting evangelistic meetings in Massey Hall, in the city of Toronto and I went to hear him, a thoroughly disappointed preacher. I felt that my ministry was a failure, but as I listened to Mr. Moody day after day, there came to me a new vision. I saw that he was particularly honored of God, and as I sought for the reason, it came to me that it was not because of any native genius or ability; he was a plain man without academic training or culture, simple and direct in the presentation of his message, yet in a wonderful way the seal of God was upon his ministry. I concluded this was for no other reason than that he was consecrated to the Christ; a thorough student of the Bible, believing its every statement and absolutely unafraid in the presentation of its great truths. For these reasons, God was honoring him and souls were being saved.
At that time I made a covenant with my Master that I, too, would study my Bible and that by His grace, I would preach the Gospel in its simplicity and fulness, leaving all the consequences with Him.
Adopted Moody Church Constitution.
It was shortly after this that I began my work in the city of Hamilton, Canada, which continued for twenty-six years. There were but thirty-five persons to begin with in that congregation, but the work grew until there is now in that city, one of the strongest testimonies to the Truth in the dominion of Canada. When the time came for us to organize that work, we adopted the constitution and principles of The Moody Church, Chicago; so you see I have really been a Moody Church pastor for a goodly number of years, and my past experience and the history of this work confirms my conviction that these principles and doctrines are of God.
While Dr. Gray was speaking, I thought of an article by Dr. John Mott, which I read in the American Magazine some months ago, in which Mr. Mott stated that D.L. Moody was one of the seven greatest Americans that he ever knew. Indeed, he gave Mr. Moody the first place.
Montreal’s Leading Merchant Converted Through Moody.
In every city that I visit, I find some, and frequently several, outstanding Christians who are living monuments to the great man whose memory will be perpetuated in this new church. Recently, while visiting in Montreal, I was talking with the head of one of the largest corporations in that city; a man whose life is a testimony to the faithfulness of his God. When he learned that I was pastor of The Moody Church, he said, “Why I love the Moody institutions. You know it was through D.L. Moody that I came to Jesus Christ. Many years ago, he came to this city and I was persuaded to attend his meetings. In the first address he gave, which was on the book of Daniel, I became interested in the study of God’s book. He made me feel that the Bible was the revelation of God, and I began to read it and in a few days the Scriptures led me into the light of God’s grace and salvation.” This testimony could be multiplied by the thousands. Truly D.L. Moody was a faithful witness.
Oblivion For Church Rather Than Apostasy.
I feel tonight that there has been committed to me as pastor, to the committee and to the members of this church a very sacred trust. We are to continue the things he began to do and teach. We are to protect the principles that God has so signally honored in connection with this work. Personally, I would rather see this church disorganized and go into oblivion, than to have it continued on other than the Bible lines on which it was founded and continues until this day.
I am thankful to God for the consecrated businessmen that serve on The Moody Church Committee. We are particularly fortunate, indeed it would appear that the church has always been favored with “overseers” who have zealously guarded this testimony, taking care that the wall being built on the true foundation should not be daubed with “untempered mortar.” May God grant that it may always be as fortunate in the selection of her officials as she has been in the past.