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D.L. Moody Snippets

D.L. Moody Snippets poster

The Bible Is True

Young man! The Bible is true. What have these infidels to give you in its place? What has made England but the open Bible? Every nation that exalteth the Word of God is exalted, and every nation that casteth it down is cast down. Oh, let us cling close to the Bible. Of course we shall not understand it all at once. But men are not to condemn it on that account. Suppose I should send my little boy, five years old, to school tomorrow morning, and when he came home in the afternoon I say to him, “Willie, can you read? Can you write? Can you spell? Do you understand all about algebra, geometry, Hebrew, Latin, and Greek?” “Why, papa,” the little fellow would say, “how funny you talk; I have been all day trying to learn the ABC!” Well, suppose I should reply, “If you have not finished your education, you need not go any more.” What would you say? Why, you would say I had gone mad. There would be just as much reason in that as in the way that people talk about the Bible. My friends, the men who have studied the Bible for fifty years—the wise men and the scholars, the great theologians—have never got down to the depths of it yet. There are truths there that the church of God has been searching out the last eighteen hundred years, but no man has fathomed the depths of that ever-living stream.

“I am so glad that our Father in heav’n
Tells of His love in the Book He has giv’n;
Wonderful things in the Bible I see;
This is the dearest, that Jesus love me.”


The Need Of Holy Men

There is nothing the world so wants as holy men. The cause of Christ is paralyzed because of sin—sin in believers. The natural man will always take sides against God when you press him close, and say, “God isn’t going to punish sin. He wouldn’t do this or that.” But the new man ought always to justify God, and take sides with Him against sin. There ought to be that difference between God’s children and the children of the world; and when people say the punishment is severe and unjust, we should side with God and say, “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” God will do right. Everyone will say “Amen” when it comes to the punishment of sin. And we should all condemn sin as God condemns it, the moment we see it. It is in ourselves, though sometimes it is hid from us. It may be some hidden sin that keeps God from using us more. Let us be honest with God, and ask Him to search us and show us ourselves. Let David’s prayer be ours: “Search me, O my God”—not my neighbors, nor other people, but “search me!”

“Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love.”
