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1971-04 Called of Jesus.jpg

The Called Of Jesus Christ

By Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe

“Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ” (Romans 1:6).

When something is important, it has many words attached to it. Just think of the thousands of words attached to the automobile industry, for example, or to the music trade. A hi-fi addict has a vocabulary all his own, and that vocabulary is important to him. Even a hunter or a fisherman will have words and terms that are meaningful only to his crowd.

God’s people are important to God; and because they are important, He has many names for them. Sometimes He simply calls us “children.” Other …

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Cost Of Living

By Dr. George Sweeting

“…All things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee…O Lord our God, all this store that we have prepared to build thee an house for thine holy name cometh of thine hand, and is all thine own”—1 Chronicles 29:14-16

Money can be a great asset or liability. The Bible says, “The love of money is the root of all evil,” and we might add, the proper use of money is the root of great good.

Some men, like Abraham and Job, are rich and honest; others are rich because they are dishonest. Some are poor because …

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Love And Conduct

By Dr. George Sweeting

In a sophisticated civilization such as ours, here in the mid-twentieth century, we think of our conduct as a pretty highly polished way of life. We observe the rules for etiquette, congratulate our friends in their promotions, play it cool when we’re crossed so we don’t appear ruffled by all the idiots around us, and smooth over the weaknesses of our loved ones. We smile at people we dislike and exchange greetings with our enemies, invite the new neighbors in for coffee and give Thanksgiving baskets to the poor family on the other side of the tracks, and then pat …

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Mixed Marriages

By Dr. George Sweeting


“Bill will attend his church and I’ll go to mine.”

“We’ll work it out as we go along.”

“We truly love each other, and love conquers all.”

These are some of the carefully chosen phrases used to launch a mixed marriage. But actual living proves the statements to be false. The irrefutable fact is that divorce occurs three times as often in mixed [faith] marriages as in marriages between members of the same faith.

The thrill of loving and of being loved temporarily minimizes all obstacles to a mixed marriage. The enchanting ecstasy of marriage plans, the flowing beauty …

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