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The Repeated Request For Revival

By Dr. S. Franklin Logsdon

“Wilt thou not revive us again?” —Psalm 85:6

Real revival is not a process. Real revival is the outcome or result of the freedom with which we permit the Holy Spirit to operate in and through our lives.

Perhaps designations and characterizations have sadly perplexed the issue and distorted the thinking, but what is sorely needed in our accelerated plunge downward is a solemn turning of our hearts Godward in humble submission to His holy will, thus permitting Him to manifest His presence and power in our midst. The present leanness of soul, carelessness of living and barrenness of service …

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The Effective Antidote For Apathy

By Dr. S. Franklin Logsdon

“For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”—Hebrews 12:3

It is superbly impressive to observe how eminently solicitous of our welfare is the loving heart of God. “Today if ye will hear his voice,” He tenderly urges, “harden not your hearts.” Then ensues the wisest of counsel to safeguard our spiritual health, to strengthen our confidence, to stimulate our action, and to increase our fruitfulness.

The Challenge of the Lord

“For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in …

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The Rising Tide Of Unbelief

By Dr. S. Franklin Logsdon

“We should therefore pay the more careful attention to what we have heard, so we may nowise drift by on a tide of unbelief.” —Hebrews 2:1 (Berkeley translation)

Visibility for many Christians has been reduced to a sad minimum. The lack of scriptural knowledge has beclouded vital issues, weakened convictions and lessened productive activity. There is a definite deflection through disinclination. Haziness about the will of God and laziness in the work of God result from an indifference toward the Word of God. No one is so blind as the one who does not want to see.

Internal Deterioration

The …

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The Summation Of Pauline Counsel

By Dr. S. Franklin Logsdon

“Finally, my brethren...”—Ephesians 6:10

When Paul employed a prefatory “finally,” it did not necessarily denote the end of a series, the climax of an argument or the termination of an address. It was the keynote to a Spirit-inspired appeal.

Plea For The Propagation Of Truth

“Finally, brethren, pray for us that the Lord’s word may spread rapidly and be extolled as it was among you.” These pioneer “seed-sowers” were propelled in their onward course by the breath of prayer. The reinforcement they desired for each new offensive was not so much the presence of more soldiers in the field as …

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The King Unrecognized

By Rev. S. Franklin Logsdon

“And when Jesus was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?”—Matthew 21:10

The pages of human history are replete with instances of royal occasions. There have been accessions, ascensions, and acclamations with such ceremonial auspiciousness that people of all lands have become irrepressively hilarious at the pompous procedures. Preparations in the extreme are planned and presentations of appropriateness are bestowed upon the regal subject, but Israel’s King was accorded no such honors. “He came to His own, and His own received Him not” (John 1:11). The kingdom was unrealized, for the King was unrecognized. This …

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We Have A Ministry

By Dr. S. Franklin Logsdon

Pastor Logsdon’s Installation Message Delivered Sunday Morning, January 14, 1951

The keynote of Paul’s message to the Corinthian believers reminds us of a great general who said to his soldiers, “The assignment before us is most important. We know our cause is just. Let US go forward.” After his premise was clearly established, this faithful leader laid his challenge upon the hearts of Christians, saying, “Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not.”

A Potent Ministry

The Christian ministry has a throb of love which reaches to the utmost depth in pity; which goes …

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