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1925-01 Philpott Address Cornerstone.jpg

Mr. Philpott's Address At The Laying Of The Cornerstone

By Rev. P.W. Philpott, D.D.

Excerpts from Mr. Philpott’s address at the laying of the cornerstone. “Would rather see The Moody Church disorganized and go into oblivion than to have it continue on other than the Bible lines on which it was founded and continues until this day.”

I want to express my personal gratitude to God that we have come to this hour in our great undertaking. Every little advance made has encouraged our faith. Tonight we lay the cornerstone of the D.L. Moody Memorial Church building, and I am supremely happy.

Personally, I feel very unworthy to be the pastor of this great …

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The Moody Church: “The Flower And The Fruit” of DL Moody’s Great Work As Represented In The City Of Chicago

By Rev. James M. Gray, D.D.

An address delivered by Rev. James M. Gray, D.D., President of the Moody Bible Institute, in The Moody Church Tabernacle, on the occasion of laying the cornerstone of the D.L. Moody Memorial Church and Sunday School Building, December 16, 1924.

My dear brethren: I have in my files in the Moody Bible Institute a newspaper editorial that I greatly prize. It appeared in one of the morning dailies of this great city. It is entitled, “Chicago’s Most Notable Citizen,” and the citizen of whom it speaks is D.L. Moody, who was, under God, the founder of this church. And I …

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The Gospel Of The Grace Of God

By Dr. H.W. Bieber

An address by Dr. Herbert W. Bieber at The Moody Church during the first week of the opening of the new church building in 1925.

I have with a great deal of thought chosen my subjects for these three nights. I suppose you believe with me that there are favorite sugar sticks that we Bible teachers like to suck, but I want to bring you messages from the Word of God which I believe would be helpful. My own desire is that in this magnificent church there shall never anything be preached but the gospel of the grace of God. …

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The Moody Memorial Church—A Reality

By Anonymous

For many months the members of The Moody Church congregation have been looking forward with eagerness to the day on which the doors of the Moody Memorial Church [building name] should be swung open and the splendid future home should be dedicated to the God who gave it.

As this issue of The Moody Church News goes to press that day, so long anticipated, has come and gone. The months preceding it were filled with severe testings; yet under the good hand of God mountains of difficulty have been scaled and now, looking back over a rough road, boundless joy …

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Ira D. Sankey As I Knew Him

By George C. Stebbins

Ira D. Sankey, the great evangel of song of the latter part of the nineteenth century, was born in the village of Edinburgh, Pennsylvania, August 28, 1840. When he was seventeen years of age his father, the Hon. David Sankey, moved with his family to Newcastle, Pennsylvania, where he became prominent in the activities of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Ira had a godly heritage which led him early in life to take an interest in religion, and in after years to become engaged in various forms of Christian work.

At the outbreak of the Civil War Mr. Sankey responded to …

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Builders Of The Moody Memorial Church

By Anonymous

Mr. John R. Fugard
Architect of the D.L. Moody Memorial Church and Sunday School Buildings

Before the Church Executive Committee engaged the firm of Fugard and Knapp as architects for the new church and Sunday School buildings it had been ascertained on careful inquiry that they ranked among the best architects in Chicago, having designed many notable structures, some in collaboration with leading New York firms. To their credit are the great Allerton and Belmont hotels on the Lake Shore Drive, the massive 19-story apartment building at No. 20 Cedar Street, four twelve and fourteen story apartment buildings, two on …

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How The Architects Conceived The Moody Memorial Church Building

By John R. Fugard

It is frequently difficult for the laymen (or even the artist for that matter) to understand the relation between a work of art and himself. Failing to understand this, his means of judging it are limited to its effect in pleasing him and such knowledge as he has of the opinions of others supposed more qualified to judge.

In the case of architecture, this difficulty is easily removed if we remember that the purpose of architecture in all cases is to form a harmonious and fitting setting for the life for which it acts as a shelter or background.

The …

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Facts Concerning The Heating, Lighting, Ventilating, And Plumbing Facilities Of The Moody Church

By Anonymous

The first part of the new building to be constructed was the foundation of the section adjoining the alley at the north which has been spoken of as the Sunday School building. It was on this basement that the Temporary Tabernacle was constructed which has now been demolished to allow the building operations to proceed. While for convenience the church section has been spoken of as the church building and the Sunday School section as the Sunday School building, in reality when the builders have finished their task the whole will appear as a single huge edifice covering the ground …

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Building A Memorial To God's Great Servant

By TMC Staff

God has conferred upon the members of The Moody Church a wonderful privilege in giving us this sacred opportunity and responsibility. We have a priceless heritage in the church D.L. Moody left to us, in its confession of faith, its constitution and mode of government, and in Mr. Moody’s impregnable loyalty to the word of God, and his quenchless life-long passion to win men and women to Christ.

Highly as we in The Moody Church love and esteem his memory, there are thousands upon thousands of believers around the world who honor and revere his name with equal if not …

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The Bride And The Bridegroom

By Rev. P.W. Philpott, D.D.

This parable is part of an address given by Christ in answer to three questions, which His disciples asked Him, which you will find in the first part of the 24th chapter of Matthew. The questions are these:

First: When shall these things be?

Second: What shall be the sign of Thy coming?

Third: What shall be the sign of the end of the age?

A Test Of Christian Profession

Now our Saviour answered these three questions in the 24th chapter. Then He gave three illustrations; the first a test of Christian profession, the second a test of Christian service, …

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