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A Nervous Peace In The Middle East

By Erwin W. Lutzer

We can be grateful that the 33-day war between Lebanon and Israel is over and that a peace-keeping force will be installed to prevent a repeat of the hostilities we witnessed just months ago. But unfortunately, we can be quite sure that conflicts will erupt in the Middle East again, somewhere and at some time. I might be a pessimist, but I don’t believe that a permanent peace is possible in Israel.

The basic roots of the conflict go back to A.D. 638 when the Muslim caliph Omar captured Jerusalem, beginning a 450-year period of Muslim rule over the city. …

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The Mosque Or The Manger?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

What will Americans be thinking about this Christmas?

Around the world, Christians will soon be retelling the familiar story of Jesus’ birth. But the controversy surrounding the “Ground Zero mosque” will also dominate the minds of millions. Two religions—Christianity and Islam—will be in the headlines; both are controversial and both claim to have “the truth” about the nature of God and the path of salvation.

The mosque might generate more headlines than the manger, but the manger is far more important than the mosque could ever be. One is a place where people come; the other is the place to …

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Islam Unveiled

By Erwin W. Lutzer

How to Witness to a Muslim

You don’t have to cross an ocean to witness to Muslims. There are at least four million Muslims in America, and their numbers are growing.

The fact is that most Muslims in America are open to talking about their religion, and willing to engage us regarding Christianity, if only we show them respect and true friendship. Just as we would resent those who would demean our religion, so they resent those who approach them with an attitude of superiority or condemnation. Love opens the door to dialogue and understanding.

But how should we present …

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An “Arab Spring” Or An “Islamic Winter?”

By Erwin W. Lutzer

An “Arab Spring” or an “Islamic Winter?”

The assassination of Muammar Gaddafi marked another victory for the “Arab Spring”—the revolutionary wave of demonstrations, protests, and fighting that has shaken the Arab world, including Egypt, Libya, Tanzania, and at least a half dozen other Arab nations.

Dictators in other such countries must be “shaking in their boots,” as the saying goes. No wonder several leaders in the region agreed to step down, heading off uprisings in their own countries.

These protests are extraordinary in that they involve people who have, for the most part, suffered silently under cruel dictators who wantonly …

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Bin Laden Is Dead, But…

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Osama bin Laden is dead, but...

Yes, we all were relieved to learn Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces. We all remember the video of him laughing about how the September 11, 2001 attacks went even better than planned. He took delight in all of the evils he planned and perpetuated.

But are we really “winning the war on radical Islam?” Just because we have not had a successful terrorist attack since 9/11, does not mean we have nothing to fear from the incursion of Islam into our country.

Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney—a man certainly …

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The Young Convert's Vision

By Pastor A.C. Dixon, D.D.

When Paul saw the glorified Christ, he asked, “Who art thou, Lord?” The question implies much ignorance. Paul does not fully know the glorious being who stands before him, but he is certain of one thing, that He is his Master, as the word “Lord” implies. There was such a kingly majesty in the face and form of Christ that there was no mistaking His lordship. The mighty Saul of Tarsus saw at a glance that he had met the one to whom he could give his allegiance as King to rule his life.

And yet Paul in after years …

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What Is The Gospel?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Manger and the Cross

Everyone loves the baby in the manger.

There is something endearing about the story of Mary and Joseph making the trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem only to discover that there was no room in the inn. We can almost see the disappointment in Mary’s face when she is told that she will have to “deliver” or “give birth to” the baby in a stable. Even the most hardened heart is touched.

The baby Himself is a threat to no one, eliciting nothing but nostalgia and compassion. No wonder Christmas is so popular even among those …

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