So, what do we do when our candidate—the one we believe God wanted us to vote for—does not get elected to office? Worse, what if someone we believe will actually harm our country is elected in a landslide?
What now?
Actually, as believers we can take heart, for our hope lies beyond the political process. The real battle in this nation is not political, nor even moral. Back behind the so-called “culture wars” is a theological battle that rages, for the most part, undetected by the human eye. For example, the reason we have …
We’ve sung the words a thousand times: “O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant… O come let us adore Him.” We envy the shepherds who actually saw the baby Jesus, and returned with a message of joy that pierced the midnight air. We can’t join them in Bethlehem, but thankfully, we can adore Jesus right where we are, for today He is at the right hand of the Father. That’s why the invitation is to all of us—“O come let us adore Him.”
But how do we “adore Him?”
“This people honor me with their lips, but their heart …
Someone has said that people live their lives “crucified between two thieves—the regrets of yesterday and the anxieties of tomorrow.”
The word worry means ‘to be torn in two.’ And that is exactly what anxiety does—it tears us apart. Our bodies might obediently go in one direction, but our minds are somewhere else. The result is that we live with tension; we cannot sleep and we cannot enjoy the present moment. Worry causes us to work against ourselves and hinders our fellowship with God.
Don’t you wish that you could worry say, from 8:00 pm …
On the one hand, we belong to the kingdom of heaven with all of the rights and privileges enjoyed by God’s sons and daughters. On the other hand, we are to be salt and light in this world. How much time should we give to each kingdom? Or, better, can we serve the kingdom of God even when actively involved in the kingdom of man?
We face a year in which politics will dominate the news. Many will line up behind one party or another, based …
You may be acquainted with my book Hitler’s Cross, in which I attempt to answer two questions: how could Nazism have arisen in Germany, a country that prided itself in its freedoms? And, why was Hitler not condemned by the pastors of Germany with a unified and consistent voice? Of course, I also paid tribute to those who did courageously stand against Hitler’s agenda.
I have taken this study a step further in my new book, When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn from Nazi Germany. Parallels between Nazi Germany and the …
I hope you enjoy this edition of the Moody Church Radio News. We want to keep you up to date on God’s blessing on your ministry through Moody Church Radio. Many friends have written, asking about our broadcasts, or wanting to know more about The Moody Church. These pages are sent to you with the prayer that our relationship with you will be strengthened, and that you will be free to contact us if we can be of help to you in some way.
As we begin with a new administration in Washington, …
Early this year (2007) I attended a conference in New York on the topic of Islam that included speakers from Africa, Europe, and Australia. The task before us was ominous: what should we do about radical Islam and its intention to destroy the church? Speakers from Africa gave statistics and described the burning of churches, the killing of families, and seizing of property. Representatives from Europe reported on intimidation and threats, and yes, killings too. Europe clearly remembers the “cartoon crisis” when innocent people were killed in the violence. Because the percentage of Muslims in …
We can be grateful that the 33-day war between Lebanon and Israel is over and that a peace-keeping force will be installed to prevent a repeat of the hostilities we witnessed just months ago. But unfortunately, we can be quite sure that conflicts will erupt in the Middle East again, somewhere and at some time. I might be a pessimist, but I don’t believe that a permanent peace is possible in Israel.
The basic roots of the conflict go back to A.D. 638 when the Muslim caliph Omar captured Jerusalem, beginning a 450-year period of Muslim rule over the city. …
What will Americans be thinking about this Christmas?
Around the world, Christians will soon be retelling the familiar story of Jesus’ birth. But the controversy surrounding the “Ground Zero mosque” will also dominate the minds of millions. Two religions—Christianity and Islam—will be in the headlines; both are controversial and both claim to have “the truth” about the nature of God and the path of salvation.
The mosque might generate more headlines than the manger, but the manger is far more important than the mosque could ever be. One is a place where people come; the other is the place to …
You don’t have to cross an ocean to witness to Muslims. There are at least four million Muslims in America, and their numbers are growing.
The fact is that most Muslims in America are open to talking about their religion, and willing to engage us regarding Christianity, if only we show them respect and true friendship. Just as we would resent those who would demean our religion, so they resent those who approach them with an attitude of superiority or condemnation. Love opens the door to dialogue and understanding.