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The Fall Of Jericho

By Dr. Harry A. Ironside

“Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out and none came in” (Joshua 6:1). The walled city of Jericho was the first obstacle that met the people of Israel as they looked forward from the camp at Gilgal to taking possession of the inheritance, which was theirs already by title, that is, by Jehovah’s gift, but which they had to make their own experimentally by driving out or destroying the inhabitants of the land, who had become so vile in the sight of the Lord that He could no longer tolerate them. Because …

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The Lord's Call

By Rev. Paul Rader

“The Lord called Samuel.” It is easy to understand that this was not a voice which others could hear or Eli could have heard it. The voice was very clear indeed to Samuel; Samuel was sure that some one had called him. This Scripture should show us that while others may be used of the Lord in clearing up our call and proving to us that it is the Lord and not man that is calling, yet the call must be heard by the one called and by him alone.

How foolish we are when we expect others to understand …

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Wanted: A Shepherd

By Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe

The old “Candid Camera” television program was not always funny, but sometimes it was quite educational. I recall one situation they set up in an exclusive high school in New York. They gave all the students vocational aptitude tests and then called them into the office one by one. A fine looking fellow came in and sat down at the counselor’s desk to get the report on his test. Of course, he was sure he would be chosen to be president of a corporation or a banker or a broker. But the counselor said, “Son, your test shows that you …

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Characteristics Of The Last Days

By Dr. Harry A. Ironside

In 1 Timothy, as we have seen, Paul speaks of the latter times, and he depicts conditions which have long since been fulfilled—conditions, however, which were still far in the future when he wrote to Timothy. He said, “In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.”

We have only to look …

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When The Sun Stood Still

By Dr. Harry A. Ironside

The evil effects of the unhappy alliance with the men of Gibeon soon began to be manifested. When the nations of the contiguous territories learned what had taken place, they formed a confederation, headed by Adonizedek, king of Jerusalem, and set out to attack Gibeon, as a warning to the people of other districts, not to make peace with Israel. This at once led the Gibeonites to call for help from their new allies, and in order to redeem their pledges it became necessary for Joshua to lead the host of the Lord up from Gilgal to attack the confederated …

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Echoes Of The Resurrection

By Dr. S. Franklin Logsdon

“He is not here, but is risen.”—Luke 24:6

Nowhere do the rays of divine light shine with greater reflective glory than upon the resurrection message. It is inimitable, incontrovertible, incomparable and absolutely indispensable to the faith “once delivered to the saints.” It healed a baffled guard, hallowed a borrowed grave and heralded a blessed gospel of grace.

No greater proof of the immutability of God’s eternal purpose is obtainable than that which inheres in the fact of Christ’s resurrection. The skeptic denies it, the agnostic ignores it, the atheist rejects it—yet it stands as the basic factor of our faith, …

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The Dangers Of Compromise

By H.A. Hermansen

Messaged preached on Sunday morning, July 17, 1949 by The Moody Church’s Associate Pastor, H.A Hermansen.

I want to consider with you an Old Testament story that comprises four chapters of the book of Second Chronicles; and for a  text I would like to read just the first eight verses of the nineteenth chapter.

“And Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem.

And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to the king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore …

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Under His Wings

By Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe

In 1892, after a year of intensive work in Great Britain, D.L. Moody sailed for home, anxious to get back to his family and his work. The ship left Southampton amid many farewells. About three days out into the ocean, the ship ground to a halt with a broken shaft; and before long, it began to take water. Needless to say, the crew and passengers were desperate, because nobody was sure whether the vessel would sink or not, and nobody knew of any rescue ships in the area. After two days of anxiety, Moody asked for permission to hold a …

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God's Writ Against The World

By Dr. Alan Redpath

There is one major controversy between God and mankind. This is just one supreme issue which confronts every one of us. It is brought out into sharp focus in John 3:19: “This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” The issue for which God holds every man and woman responsible is that the One Who came into the world, claiming to be, and proving, indeed, that He was the light of the world, has been rejected.

The Revised Version translates the first phrase of the …

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The Shepherd Psalms

By Dr. Harry A. Ironside

It has often been pointed out that our blessed Lord is referred to in the New Testament as the Shepherd under three different aspects. In John 10 He says, “I am the good Shepherd.” In Hebrews 13 He is called “the Chief Shepherd” as “brought again from the dead,” and in 1 Peter 5, looking on to His second coming when the under shepherds will give an account to Him, He is spoken of as “the Great Shepherd.” Some one long ago suggested that in Psalm 22 we have the Good Shepherd giving His life for the sheep, in Psalm …

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